Permission to Alchemize

“This is why alchemy exists," the boy said. "So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life. Lead will play its role until the world has no further need for lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold.
That's what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

At the root of my work I’ve always been the most deeply inspired by empowerment. The idea that WE are the ones who know best how to proceed with our lives. How to discern. How to choose. When we feel empowered in ourselves — this empowerment extends into our lives. Things change, evolve, grow. The way we are changes and the world around us can’t help but follow. But this all begins within.

This has been and continues to be one of the greatest lessons of my own life. No matter how much work I do within, I will notice time after time where my power gets pulled away. Where I look to others for for answers, healing, etc. Where I give another my energy because I want them to understand me, see me, validate me. This used to be a very unconscious pattern for me that is now much more in my awareness. Does this mean I’ve perfected this or will ever? Hell no, haha. But I will say that the timeline to awareness and subsequent shift has drastically shortened. I notice sooner. I make changes sooner. And nothing has guided me back to this place over and over again more than my dreams.

To become empowered requires an alchemical process. All the places where we don’t feel safe, don’t feel like we have choice, don’t feel good about ourselves, feel limited, stuck, trapped — this is our lead. This weighs us down and takes away our lifeforce. Energy that we could otherwise be using to move forward, instead pulls us down and creates stagnation.

To become empowered requires willingness and action to create change. Tapas or “disciple” as we’d say in yoga to look into the darkness within. To call ourselves and our power back again and again. Dreams are such a powerful guide and partner along this journey and why I primarily work with them as a guiding light forward.

This is why I am now transitioning my work into “Empowerment Alchemy Coaching” because this is what we’re doing. No matter the focus, we are working to find what keeps us stuck, disempowered. To find where there is a limiting belief, a heaviness holding us back. And then finding ways to gain wisdom, permission and empowerment within to shift this heaviness into weightlessness. When we no longer have so much to carry, we are free to move forward with more ease.

That said, I have updated my entire website…again and I’m diggin’ it. Forever trying to simplify and condense ;). And I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the act alone of transforming my work initially always gives me pause. I always hear the limiting voices within telling me that I should get my shit together. Stop trying to change things all the time. Figure it out already. But truth be told, while I honor these thoughts and know where they come from, they’re all bullshit. Change, alchemy, transformation, it is all at the root of who and what we are. Nothing can escape change so it would be ridiculous to think that we would or should stay the same.

And so, I welcome you all to Empowerment Alchemy. I am still providing all of my same dreamy offerings but now under a much more approachable umbrella. My WILD Process has been built out a bit more and is still the process I utilize for all of my work. Take a look below for more explanation of my refreshed offerings:

Personal Empowerment Alchemy Coaching:

  • In a general sense, this offering is for those looking for an intuitive experience that encompasses everything I offer. Together we will seek that lead - that heaviness - in your life and work together to find ways to empower you to be able to transform it. This could be in your physical body, mind, heart, soul, dreams or business.

  • Dream-focused: For those wanting to do dreamwork with me as a focus, it will be called “Empowerment Alchemy Coaching” but we will focus on dreams to guide the way.

Marketing & Business Consulting:

  • For those wanting to focus solely on marketing, business, branding consulting, projects and management — all of my offerings have stayed the same. At the root of this work, I am still concerned with empowerment, so I will always coach and encourage you and/or your team to establish security within so you can shine on the outside.

Dream Yoga and Meditation

  • Dream Yoga is at the core of my WILD Process and is a huge influence on the work I do with somatics, embodiment and dreamwork. Additionally I utilize mindfulness and meditation practices in everything when possible. That said, I am currently offering the below with regards to Yoga and Meditation specifically:

    • Dream Yoga In-person Classes:

    • Courses and Workshops:

      • I am currently booking workshops and courses beginning in Spring 2024. You can take a look at my offerings HERE.

    • Additional Dream Yoga and Meditation Classes

      • I am working on a virtual membership plan that will include some great, accessible offerings from anywhere. Stay tuned!

      • I am also working on adding a couple more local, in-person classes for Meditation and Slow Dream Flow

I’ll remind you here…this work…it’s not about the destination. It’s not about becoming so empowered that we’re suddenly “healed.” No, no, no. It is about the journey. Seeing the journey from a new lens. Living the dream so presently and uniquely, that it shifts everything we come into contact with. Becoming such close friends with the darkness that it no longer scares us. Recognizing our own power and calling it back as many times as necessary - each time a little bit more efficient. Each time with a little bit more ease.

Because when we begin to alchemize, to change…we show up more and more authentically. This in turn, gives others the permission to do the same. This is what its all about my friends.

I’m here if you need me. If and when the time is right. Doing the exact same thing for myself. Continually calling myself back home.

With Love and WILD,



On Lost Friends